model and model elements super classes and interfaces
Either a model("modelName") { ... }
as well as its submoldels can specify that they extend a class or interface.
an extends { ... }
node can use the interface IDslApiExtendsProp
var replaceSuperclass: Boolean
var replaceSuperInterfaces: Boolean
operator fun KClass<*>.unaryPlus() // + for super class
operator fun IDslRef.unaryPlus() // + for super class
/** inherit from same SubElement Type (e.g. dto/tableFor/...) with simpleName C.DEFAULT, of an element (e.g. model) in the same group which has this name */
operator fun String.unaryPlus() // + for super class (referencing this@modelgroup's name of ModelSubElement of this@modelsubelement(thisSimpleName)
operator fun KClass<*>.unaryMinus() // - for super interfaces
operator fun IDslRef.unaryMinus() // - for super interfaces
operator fun String.unaryMinus() // - for super interfaces
operator fun IDslApiExtendsProps.minusAssign(kClass: KClass<*>) // exclude from super class/interfaces
operator fun IDslApiExtendsProps.minusAssign(dslRef: DslRef) // exclude from super class/interfaces
operator fun String.not()
operator fun IDslApiExtendsProps.rem(docs: CodeBlock)
and replaceSuperInterfaces
specify if any previous (in higher node levels) set superclasses/superinterfaces
should be replaced by the ones of the current extends { ... }
If replaceSuperclass is false (the default) and the extends block sets a super class,
but a superclass already has been set on parsing a “higher up” node in the model hierarchy (e.g. model { extends { ... } }
a DslException will be thrown. (TODO: maybe better to let the Strategy decide??)